An asterisk (*) denotes peer-reviewed publications.
- 3.* Phenomenology of Plurality. Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity. New York: Routledge, 2017. Habilitation thesis. Winner of the 2018 Edwin Ballard Prize awarded by the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences
Phenomenological Reviews
Further reviews in Hypatia and Arendt Studies
- 2. Einführung in die Rechtsphänomenologie. Eine historisch-systematische Darstellung (Introduction to Phenomenology of Law). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2010.
Review in Juristenzeitung
- 1.* Anspruch und Rechtfertigung. Eine Theorie des rechtlichen Denkens im Anschluss an die Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls (Appeal and Justification. A Theory of Normative Intentionality in Husserl’s Phenomenology). Phaenomenologica 191. Dordrecht: Springer 2009.
Review (in English) in Husserl Studies
- 1a. Rechtssinn und An-spruch. Entwurf einer Phänomenologie der Vernunft als rechtlicher Intentionalität. Dissertation, University of Vienna: 2006.
- 5. The Routledge Handbook for Political Phenomenology.
Co-editors: Steffen Herrmann, Gerhard Thonhauser, Tobias Matzner, Nils Baratella.
London/New York: Routledge 2024.
- 4.* Phenomenology and Personal Identity. (Special Issue)
Co-Editor: Jakub Čapek.
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 20(2), 2021.
- 3. Phenomenology in Vienna.
Co-editors: Jingjing Li und Jijie Song (chief editor).
Tsinghua Studies of Western Philosophy, Beijing, vol. 2/2016, 435–575.
- 2. Urteil und Fehlurteil.
Co-Editor: Sandra Lehmann.
Vienna: Turia+Kant 2011.
- 1. Das Fremde im Selbst. Transformationen der Phänomenologie: Intersubjektivität, Alterität, Politik.
Co-Editor: Matthias Flatscher.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2010.
(including submitted, accepted, and forthcoming)
- 89. Introducing Political Phenomenology. Co-Authors: Gerhard Thonhauser, Steffen Herrmann.
In: The Handbook for Political Phenomenology. Ed. by S. Herrmann, G. Thonhauser, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, N. Baratella.
London/New York: Routledge 2024, 1-7.
- 88. Introduction to Part I: Plural Beginnings, Ambivalent Heritage.
In: The Handbook for Political Phenomenology. Ed. by S. Herrmann, G. Thonhauser, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, N. Baratella.
London/New York: Routledge 2024, 11-17.
- 87. Edmund Husserl: Idealistic Politics and Communal Spirit.
Co-Author: Dan Zahavi. In: The Handbook for Political Phenomenology. Ed. by S. Herrmann, G. Thonhauser, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, N. Baratella.
London/New York: Routledge 2024, 18-29.
- 86. Hannah Arendt: Plurality, Worldliness, and Action: Inverting the Image of Totalitarianism.
In: The Handbook for Political Phenomenology. Ed. by S. Herrmann, G. Thonhauser, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, N. Baratella.
London/New York: Routledge 2024, 180-190.
- 85. Introduction to Part V: Phenomenology in Debate: Criticism, Cooperation.
Co-Author: Gerhard Thonhauser (first author).
In: The Handbook for Political Phenomenology. Ed. by S. Herrmann, G. Thonhauser, S. Loidolt, T. Matzner, N. Baratella.
London/New York: Routledge 2024, 293-299.
- 84.* Beschreibungen von Öffentlichkeit. Commissioned for the Special Issue “Back to the Things Themselves/Zurück zu den Sachen selbst” of the journal Phenomenology and Mind, ed. L. Wiesing and T. Zingelmann. (accepted)
- 83. Wilhelm Schapp’s New Science of Law. In: The Philosophy of Wilhelm Schapp: From Phenomenology to Jurisprudence and the Hermeneutics of Stories. Ed. by D. de Santis and D. Nuccilli. London: Bloomsbury. (forthcoming)
- 82. Phänomenologie des Rechts.
In: Praktische Philosophie, Ethik und Recht. Ed. by E. Hilgendorf & B. Zabel. UTB Verlag. (accepted)
- 81. The Experiential Paradox of Law in War. Special issue “Law in War: Phenomenological Perspectives” of the journal Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law. Ed. N. Satokhina. (submitted)
- 80. Die phänomenologische Rezeption der Reinen Rechtslehre.
In: Hans Kelsen und die österreichische Wissenschaftskultur. Ed. C. Jabloner, T. Olechowski and K. Zeleny. Schriftenreihe des Hans-Kelsen-Instituts, Manz: University of Vienna. (submitted)
- 79.* Beauvoir and Arendt on the Ambiguities of Belonging.
In: The Phenomenology of Belonging. Ed. by L. Dolezal and D. Petherbridge. (accepted)
- 78. Roundtable Conversation: Space and Heritage. Speaking Notes.
Ed. by Tao du Four. Future Anterior Journal. (accepted)
- 77. Erfahrungen von Öffentlichkeit und interkulturelles Zwischen.
In: Phänomenologie und Interkulturalität. Eine Festschrift für Georg Stenger. Ľ. Dunaj and M. Ates, Freiburg: Alber. (accepted)
- 76. Öffentlichkeit und ihre Analyse. Vorschlag einer Registererweiterung.
Co-Author: Luis Basler. In: Digitalisierung der Unternehmenskommunikation (working title). Ed. by O. Hinz and F. Möslein. Mohr Siebeck. (submitted)
- 75.* Arendt’s Philosophy of Appearance and the Ambivalences of Recognition.
Commissioned for The Philosophy of Recognition: Expanded Perspectives on a Fundamental Concept. Ed. by M. Congdon and T. Khurana. Routledge. (submitted)
- 74. Phänomenologische Psychiatrie als kritische Praxis.
Co-Author: Dan Zahavi. Reworked and shortened version of 62. Commissioned for Phänomenologie und Kritische Theorie. Eds. J. Dreher, A. Gros and H. Rosa.
Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. (submitted)
- 73. Husserls phänomenologische Kritik der Kantischen Anschauungsformen und die „Widerlegung des Idealismus“: Methodischen Divergenzen, sachliche Konvergenzen. In: V. Waibel, (ed.): Immanuel Kant: Freiheit, Vernunft, Sinnlichkeit—vielstimmiger Widerhall.
Berlin: de Gruyter. (accepted; last draft on
- 72. Pluralität, Freiheit und Urteil. Arendt liest Kant.
In: V. Waibel (ed.): Immanuel Kant: Freiheit, Vernunft, Sinnlichkeit—vielstimmiger Widerhall.
Berlin: de Gruyter. (accepted; last draft on
- 71. World, Self, and the Plurality of Generative Existence. Levinas and Arendt as Complementary Thinkers of the Ethical and the Political?
Commissioned for Levinas and Arendt on the Ethical and Political. Ed. R. Cohen. (submitted)
- 70.* Interacting with Machines: Can an Artificially Intelligent Agent Be a Partner?
Co-Author: Philipp Schmidt (first author). Philosophy & Technology 36 (55), 1-32.
- 69. Metaphysische Bescheidenheit, welthafte Urteilsfreudigkeit. Jonas und Arendt im Kontext der „Marburger Konstellationen“.
In: A. Großmann & M. D. Krüger (eds.): Hans Jonas und die Marburger Hermeneutik.
Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann 2023, 197-214.
- 68. Wirklichkeit als politische Kategorie. Hannah Arendt über Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik.
In: I. Römer & G. Stenger (eds.): Faktum, Faktizität, Wirklichkeit. Phänomenologische Perspektiven. Phänomenologische Forschungen, Beihefte 05.
Hamburg: Meiner 2023, 133-152.
- 67. Fragen, Lieben, Denken. Zur Ursprungsbeziehung, der Rolle der Anderen und dem Anfang des Philosophierens.
In: R. Esterbauer (ed.): Das Unfassbare vor Augen. Neue phänomenologische Annäherungen an Religion.
Freiburg i. Br.: Alber 2023, 103-120.
- 66.* Psychologizing Politics, Neglect, and Gender: Applications of Voigtländer’s Scientific Characterology.
Co-Author: Petra Gehring. In: Í. Verndrell Ferran (ed.): Else Voigtländer: Self, Emotion, and Sociality.
London/New York: Springer 2023, 199-222.
- 65.* What is Critique – for Phenomenology? A Foucauldian Perspective.
In: Aldea, A.S., Carr, D., Heinämaa, S. (eds.): Phenomenology as Critique.
London/New York: Routledge, 237-251.
- 64.* Plural Absolutes? Husserl and Merleau-Ponty on Being-In-a-Shared-World and its Metaphysical Implications.
In: A. Bortolan & E. Magrí (eds.): Empathy, Intersubjectivity, and the Social World: The Continued Relevance of Phenomenology. Essays in Honour of Dermot Moran.
Boston: De Gruyter, 83-108.
- 63. Is Husserl’s Later Ethics Existentialist? On the Primal Facticity of the Person and Husserl’s “Existentialist Rationalism”
In: G. Heffernan, M. Cavallaro (eds.): The Existential Husserl.
New York: Springer, 145-161.
- 62.* Critical Phenomenology and Psychiatry.
Co-Author: Dan Zahavi. Continental Philosophy Review 55 (1), 55-75.
- 61.* Phenomenological Approaches to Personal Identity.
Co-Author: Jakub Čapek. Special Issue “Phenomenology and Personal Identity.”
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 20(2): 217–234, 2021.
- 60.* Order, Experience, and Critique. The Phenomenological Method in Political and Legal Theory.
Continental Philosophy Review 2021, 54(2), 153–170, 2021.
- 59.* The Person as a Fragile Project: On Personhood and Practical Agency in Husserl.
In: Jacobs, H. (ed.): The Husserlian Mind. New York: Routledge 2021, 393–406.
- 58. Zoomifizierung. Mündigkeit und geteilte Welt.
Special Issue: Digitalität und Erfahrung. Journal Phänomenologie 55 (2021), 58–65.
- 57. Ein Kippbild? Realismus, Idealismus und Husserls transzendentale Phänomenologie.
Reworked and shortened version of 38. Hermeneutische Blätter 27/ 1+2 (2021), 82–105.
- 56.* The Phenomenological Arendt.
In: C. Majolino, D. De Santis, and B. Hopkins (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
London/New York: Routledge, 445-453.
- 55.* Emotions and Affectivity in Levinas.
In: T. Szanto & H. Landweer (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion.
London/New York: Routledge, 168-176.
- 54. Sinnräume – ein phänomenologisches Analyseinstrument, am Beispiel von Hannah Arendts „Vita activa“,
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (2):167-188, 2020.
- 53. Zu den metaphysischen Urtatsachen! Das Ineinander der Monaden.
In: A. Schnell and I. Römer (eds.): Phänomenologie und Metaphysik.
Hamburg: Meiner, 173-190.
- 52. Techno-Phänomenologie. Von multistabilen Diskursen, Meisterdenkern und der Neugier auf Technologie,
Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2020, 203–212.
- 51. Précis of “Phenomenology of Plurality” and “Responses Sanja Bojanić and Adriana Zaharijević”,
Book Panel on “Phenomenology of Plurality. Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity” by Sophie Loidolt
Filozofija i društvo / Philosophy and Society, Vol 31(1) (2020).
- 50.* “Who One Is” – A Political Issue? Hannah Arendt on Personhood, Maximal Self, and Bare Life.
In: T. Bedorf and S. Herrmann (eds.): Political Phenomenology. Experience, Ontology, Episteme.
London/New York: Routledge, 165–192.
- 49. Crossing the Atlantic: Inspirations for Hannah Arendt’s Concept of Plurality.
In: W. Zacharasiewicz (ed.): Ideas Crossing the Atlantic. Theories, Normative Conceptions, and Cultural Images.
Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 207–223.
- 48. De la relation entre phénomène du droit et science du droit chez Husserl et dans la phénoménologie du droit.
In: Husserl. Phénoménologie et fondements des sciences. Ed. J. Farges, D. Pradelle, Paris: Éditions Hermann, 467-488.
- 47.* Value, Freedom, Responsibility: Central Themes in Phenomenological Ethics.
In: D. Zahavi (ed.): The Oxford Handbook for The History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 696-716.
- 46.* Experience and Normativity: The Phenomenological Approach.
In: A. Cimino, C. Coenen, and C. Leijenhorst (eds.): The Ideas of Experience. Phenomenological Explorations. Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology. Leiden: Brill, 150–165.
- 45. Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität: Sozialontologische, politische und ethische Aspekte. vol. 9(1), 2018,
- 44. Lust und Frust des animal laborans. Hannah Arendt über die Verfallsformen der vita activa.
In: K.P. Liessmann (ed.): Mut zur Faulheit. Die Arbeit und ihr Schicksal. Reihe des Philosophicum Lech
Wien: Zsolnay, 2018, 118-144.
- 43. Exil als Neubeginn. Hannah Arendts amerikanische Inspirationen für ihren Begriff des Politischen.
In: M. Beck and N. Coomann (eds.): Deutschsprachige Philosophie im amerikanischen Exil 1933–1945. Zwischen historischer Erfahrung und begrifflicher Transformation, 199-219.
- 42. Karriere im Fach Philosophie – was gilt es zu beachten? Hinweise von Max Kölbel, Sophie Loidolt und Barbara Vetter, Information Philosophie Band 3, 98–107.
- 41. ‘Mindfulness’ in der Philosophie – Edmund Husserls Phänomenologie.
B&C Gruppe Jahrbuch 2017, 22–23 (opens in new tab)
- 40.* On Dreyfus’ Naturalization of Phenomenological Pragmatism: Misleading Dichotomies and the Counter-Concept of Intentionality.
In: O. Švec & J. Čapek (eds.): Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology. London/New York: Routledge 2017, 122–140.
- 39. Phenomenology, Law, and the Political. A Methodical Reflection on First-Person Inquiry, Normative Orders, and Action.
Ética e Philosophía Política 20(2), 152–173.
- 39a. Chinese translation of 39. for the Journal Academic Research 2022/4: Translation by Haojun Zhang.
- 38. Ein Kippbild? Realismus, Idealismus und Husserls transzendentale Phänomenologie. Antworten auf Julia Jansen und Vittorio de Palma.
Metodo. Special Issue n.1, ch.2 (2017): The Problem of Transcendentality, 83–121.
- 37. Drei Grundgedanken zu Pluralität und direkter Demokratie.
Blog der Jungen Akademie der Wissenschaften auf, Wissenschaft, 20.12.2017
- 36. Was zeigt sich in der Erscheinung? Eine philosophische Annäherung an das Verhältnis von Sein und Erscheinen.
In: Brem, Gottfried (ed.): Phänotypisierung – vom Schein zum Sein. Nova Acta Leopoldina Bd. 121 /Nr. 409, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, 177–187.
- 35.* Hannah Arendt’s Conception of Actualized Plurality.
In: Szanto, T., Moran, D. (eds.): Phenomenology of Sociality: Discovering the ‘We.’
London/New York: Routledge, 42–55.
- 34. Introduction: The Department of Philosophy at University of Vienna and its Phenomenological Tradition. (In Chinese, trans. by Jinliang Zhu)
Introduction for the special column “Phenomenology in Vienna”, Tsinghua Studies of Western Philosophy, 437–440.
- 33.* Legal Reality and its A Priori Foundations—a Question of Acting or Interpreting? Felix Kaufmann, Fritz Schreier and their Critique of Adolf Reinach.
In: Salice, A. & Schmid, H. B. (eds.): The Phenomenological Approach to Social Reality.
New York/Berlin: Springer, 47–73.
- 32. Die Intentionalität des Genießens als Grundstruktur der Subjektivität. [Kommentar zu Kapitel II.A. Die Trennung als Leben].
In: Liebsch, B. (ed.): Der Andere in der Geschichte – Sozialphilosophie im Zeichen des Krieges. Ein kooperativer Kommentar zu Emmanuel Levinas’ Totalität und Unendlichkeit. Freiburg/München: Alber, 136–53.
- 31. Kant, Kelsen und die Wiener rechtstheoretische Schule.
In: Catalogue for the Exhibition Umwege. Annäherungen an Immanuel Kant in Wien, in Österreich und in Osteuropa. Ed. Waibel, V., 484-492.
- 30. Conditio humana. So lebt der Mensch. Zu Hannah Arendts Vita activa.
Article published on the website:
- 29.* Transzendentalphilosophie und Idealismus in der Phänomenologie. Überlegungen zur phänomenologischen “Gretchenfrage”
Metodo. Special Issue: The Problem of Transcendentality.
- 29a. Chinese Translation of 29. for the special column “Phenomenology in Vienna,“ translation by Jinliang Zhu.
Tsinghua Studies of Western Philosophy vol 2/ 2016, 497–527.
- 28.* Phenomenological Sources, Kantian Borders: An Outline of Transcendental Philosophy as Object-Guided Philosophy.
In: Heinämaa, S., Hartimo, M., Miettinen, T. (eds.): Phenomenology and the Transcendental. London/New York: Routledge 2014, 190-217.
- 27. Achten, Durchfühlen, Ansinnen – Affektive Begegnisweisen der praktischen Vernunft.
In: Römer, I. (ed.): Affektivität und Ethik bei Kant und in der Phänomenologie. Berlin: de Gruyter 2014, 205-220.
- 26. The Question of Reality under Modern Conditions: Arendt’s Critique of the Phenomenological Tradition. A Close Reading of “What is Existenz Philosophy?”
The Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, vol. 34/2, 2013, 339-380.
- 25.* Anschauliche Ausweisung als die phänomenologische Form epistemischer Rechtfertigung. Zur intentionalen Struktur der Rechtfertigung in der Phänomenologie Husserls.
Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, vol. 16. Focus: Husserl, 2013, 142-173.
- 24. Alterity and/or Plurality? Two Pre-normative Paradigms for Ethics and Politics in Levinas and Arendt.
In: Greif, H., Weiss, M. (eds.): Ethics, Society, Politics. Proceedings of the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2012. de Gruyter 2013, 241-259.
- 23. Der Philosoph im Licht der Öffentlichkeit. Eine Standortbestimmung mit Hannah Arendt.
In: Lacina, K., Gaitsch P. (eds.): Intellektuelle Interventionen. Gesellschaft, Bildung, Kitsch. Für Konrad Paul Liessmann, Wien: Löcker 2013, 45-56.
- 22. A Phenomenological Ethics of the Absolute Ought. Investigating Husserl’s Unpublished Ethical Writings.
In: Sanders, M./Wisnewski, J. J. (eds.): Ethics and Phenomenology. Lanham, Maryland:
Lexington/ Rowman and Littlefield 2012, 9-38.
- 21. Hannah Arendt und die conditio humana der Pluralität.
In: Esterbauer, R., Ross, M. (eds.): Den Menschen im Blick. Phänomenologische Zugänge.
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2012, 375-398.
- 20. Indifferenz. Räume des entmachteten Erscheinens.
In: Liebsch, B, Hetzel, A., Sepp, H. R. (eds.): Profile negativistischer Sozialphilosophie. Ein Kompendium. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie. Sonderband 32. Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2011, 125-144.
- 19. Fünf Fragen an Husserls Ethik aus gegenwärtiger Perspektive.
In: Mayer, V., Erhard, C., Scherini, M. (eds.): Die Aktualität Husserls. Freiburg/München: Alber 2011, 299-334.
- 18. Ist Husserls Ethik späte Ethik existenzialistisch?
Journal Phänomenologie, vol. 36. 2011, 34-44.
- 18a. Slovakian translation of 18. Je Husserlova neskorá etika „existencialistická“?
Translation by Jaroslava Vydrová, Ostium , vol. 4. 2013. (last access 7.2.2014)
- 17. Sich ein Bild machen. Das ästhetische Urteilen als politisches Urteilen in der Kant-Lektüre von Hannah Arendt. In: Lehmann, S., Loidolt, S. (eds.): Urteil und Fehlurteil. Wien: Turia+Kant 2011, 231-246.
- 16. Sinnereignis als Begründung normativer Strukturen?
In: Tengelyi, L., Klass, T. (eds.): Phänomenologie der Sinnereignisse. München: Fink 2011, 376- 390.
- 15. Respondenz zu Othmar Kastner: Die transzendentale Einbildungskraft und die Différance.
In: Flatscher, et al. (eds.): Neue Stimmen der Phänomenologie. Band 1: Die Tradition. Das Selbst. Nordhausen: Bautz 2011, 258-259.
- 14. Respondenz zu Eva Buddeberg: Warum Menschen verantwortlich sind.
In: Flatscher, et al. (eds.): Neue Stimmen der Phänomenologie. Band 2: Das Andere. Aisthesis. Nordhausen: Bautz 2011, 298-301.
- 13. Respondenz zu Johanna Gaitsch Achtung vor dem Anderen, Achtung vor dem Gesetz.
In: Flatscher, et al. (eds.): Neue Stimmen der Phänomenologie. Band 2: Das Andere. Aisthesis. Nordhausen: Bautz 2011, 312-315.
- 10. Die Wiederentdeckung der Erfahrung als Weltoffenheit. McDowells Mind and World mit Seitenblicken auf Kant und Husserl.
In: Urban, P., et. al. (eds.): Geburt der Phänomenologie. Edmund Husserl zu Ehren. Prague: Filosoficky časopis 2010, 149-166.
- 11. Meine intime Fremdheit für meine intime Politik. Versatzstücke für ein Gespräch.
In: Flatscher, M., Loidolt, S. (eds.): Das Fremde im Selbst. Transformationen der Phänomenologie: Intersubjektivität, Alterität, Politik. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2010, 282-296.
- 10. Empathie und Emanzipation. ‚Verstehendes Herz’, prekäre Zeit, erweitertes Urteilen – eine Annährung mit Hannah Arendt.
In: Pakesch, P., Budak, A. (eds.): Human Condition. Mitgefühl und Selbstbestimmung in prekären Zeiten. Empathy and Emancipation in Precarious Times. [Catalogue for the Exhibition Human Condition in Kunsthaus Graz.] Cologne: Walther König, 2010, 94-103.
- 10a. English Translation of 10: Empathy and Emancipation in Precarious Times. The understanding heart and expanded judgment, in the eyes of Hannah Arendt.
In: Pakesch, P., Budak, A. (eds.): Human Condition. Mitgefühl und Selbstbestimmung in prekären Zeiten. Empathy and Emancipation in Precarious Times. [Catalogue for the Exhibition Human Condition in Kunsthaus Graz.] Cologne: Walther König, 2010, 98-206.
- 9. Husserl und das Faktum der praktischen Vernunft. Phänomenologische Ansprüche an eine philosophische Ethik.
In: Ierna, C., Jacobs, H., Mattens, P. (eds.): Philosophy – Phenomenology – Sciences. Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl. Dordrecht: Springer 2010, 483-503.
- 9a. English version of 12. Husserl and the Fact of Practical Reason. Phenomenological Claims toward a Philosophical Ethics.
Santalka. (Coactivity). Lithuanian Journal for philosophy, vol. 17/3, 2009, 50-61.
- Praktische Vernunft bei Husserl: ‚stumm und blind’ oder Ethik aus ‚absoluter Affektion’?
In: Fürst, M., Gombocz, W., Hiebaum, C. (eds.): Analysen, Argumente, Ansätze. Beiträge zum 8. internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Graz. Ontos 2008, 321-330.
- 7. The Prophet and the ‘Histor.’ Levinas and Arendt on Judging.
In: MacLachlan, A., Torsen, I. (eds.): History and Judgment. IWM Junior Fellows’ Conferences Vol. XXI, Vienna: IWM 2006 (CD).
- 6. Dreading Murder more than Death. On Alterity and Judgment in Levinas.
In: Kruzík, J. (ed.): Emmanuel Levinas: filosofie a výchova. Ke stému výrocí narození Emmanuela Lévinase. Prague: Univ. Karlova, 2006, 86-101.
- Notes on an Ethics of Human Rights. From the Question of Commitment to a Phenomenological Theory of Reason and Back.
In: Kusa, D., Moses, S. (eds.): Aspects of European Political Culture. IWM Junior Fellows’
Conferences, Vol. XX, Vienna: IWM 2005 (CD). (opens in new tab)
- 4. Working with Husserl.
In: Geniusas, S., Lavoie, D., Patnaik, N. (eds.): Internet Publication: On the Future of Husserlian Phenomenology. New York: The New School of Social Research, 2005.
- 3. Geburtsbriefe und Ursprungsklärungen. Ein Versuch zu Kants und Husserls unterschiedlichen Wegen in die Transzendentalphilosophie.
In: Pöltner, G., Flatscher, M. (eds.): Heidegger und die Antike. Reihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie Bd. 12. Vienna: Lang 2005, 161-181.
- 2. Ein Richter ohne Gesetzbuch. Das phänomenologische ‘Prinzip aller Prinzipien’ zwischen Anspruch und Verantwortung.
In: Blamauer, M., Fasching, W., Flatscher, M. (eds.): Phänomenologische Aufbrüche. Reihe der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie Bd. 11. Vienna: Lang 2005, 42-57.
- 1. Skizze einer Rechtsphänomenologie.
In: Neumaier, O., Sedmak, C., Zichy, M. (eds.): Philosophische Perspektiven. Beiträge zum VII. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie. Frankfurt am Main: Ontos 2005, 459-464.
- 2. Adolf Reinach.
In: Bedorf, T. & Gelhard, A. (eds.): Die deutsche Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Autorenhandbuch. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2013, 231-233.
- 1. Recht (right/law).
In: Vetter, H., et. al. (eds.): Wörterbuch der phänomenologischen Begriffe, Hamburg: Meiner 2005, 451-454.
- 4. Review of Sandel, Michael: Was man mit Geld nicht kaufen kann. (What Money can’t buy).
Die Presse (Album), Print-Edition, 15.12.2012.
- 3. Review of Gelhard, Andreas: Levinas. Leipzig: Reclam 2005. Journal Phänomenologie, vol. 26, 2006, 93-96.
- 2. Review of Delhom, P., Hirsch, A. (eds.): Im Angesicht der Anderen. Levinas Philosophie des Politischen. Berlin: diaphanes 2005.
Studia Phaenomenologica: Lévinas and Phenomenology, vol VI., 2006, 461-464.
- 1. Review of Bedorf, T., Cremonini, A. (eds.): Verfehlte Begegnung. Levinas und Sartre als philosophische Zeitgenossen. München: Fink 2005.
Studia Phaenomenologica: Lévinas and Phenomenology, vol VI., 2006, 455-458.
- 13 May 2024
“The Public Sphere as an Experiential Space.” Invited paper at the Political Theory Workshop, University of Chicago, USA
- 25 April 2024
“The Public Realm in the Phenomenological Tradition.” Invited paper at the Philosophical Colloquium, Stoneybrook University, USA
- 11 April 2024
“On Being, Appearing and Acting in Public. Towards a Phenomenological Theory of the Public Realm.” Invited paper at the Philosophical Colloquium, The New School, New York, USA
- 15 March 2024
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited presentation at the CFS lectures, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1 February 2024
“Form und Tragik der Geschichte. Benjamin und Arendt über lineare Historiographie, Sinnräume und Perlentaucher” Paper at the Colloquium Alpinum 2024: Politische Phänomenologie und Kritische Theorie. Obergurgl, University of Innsbruck, Austria
- 11 January 2024
“Widerständigkeit, Ironie, Relevanz – drei demokratische Erfahrungsmodi von Öffentlichkeit?” Invited paper at the Democratic Vistas Lecture Series “Was heißt ,demokratische Lebensform‘?/ What is a democratic form of life?” Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
- 15 December 2023
“On Appearing in Public (and Private) in Sartre and Arendt.” Invited paper at the conference “Ripensare l’umano tra fenomenologia, esistenzialismo e politica.” Department of Philosophy, Università Federico II, Napels, Italy
- 6 December 2023
“Können Maschinen Partner sein?” Invited paper together with Philipp Schmidt at the lunchtime talk format “Akademisches Viertel”. TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 29 November 2023
“Pluralität und Handeln bei Hannah Arendt. ” Invited paper at the lecture series “Über Handeln. Künstlerische, theoretische, kuratorische und institutionelle Perspektiven“ HMDK Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
- 14 November 2023
“Phänomenologie der Öffentlichkeit.” Invited Paper at the Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FEST), Heidelberg, Germany.
- 10 November 2023
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited presentation at the Corpus Christi Philosophical Society, University of Oxford, UK
- 9 November 2023
“Deep Disagreements, Common Reality, and Minimal Forms of We.” Invited paper at the conference Interaction, Communication, and (Deep) Disagreements:
Varieties of We.” St. Hilda‘s College, Oxford Oxford
- 8 November 2023
“On Being, Appearing and Acting in Public. Towards a Phenomenological Theory of the Public Realm.” Invited Paper at the seminar series “Fiction and Other Minds” Oxford Comparative Criticism + Translation, University of Oxford, UK
- 25 October 2023
“Wertethik bei Husserl und Scheler”. Lecture series at the philosophy department “Werte/Value/Valeur – Widerstreit zwischen Moral und Preis.” TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 20 October 2023
“Die phänomenologische Rezeption der Reinen Rechtslehre.” Invited paper at the conference “Hans Kelsen und die österreichische Wissenschaftskultur
Symposion zum 50. Todestag.” Hans Kelsen Institute, University of Vienna, Austria
- 12 October 2023
“Public Formations of We in Social Transformation.” Invited participant at the panel: Phenomenology and Social Transformation. SPEP 2023, Toronto, Canada
- 10 October 2023
“The political Husserl. Idealist politics and communal spirit.” Invited paper together with Dan Zahavi, Department of Philosophy, Fordham University, New York, USA
- 6 July 2023
“Political life after metaphysics: A dialogue between Arendt and Jonas.” Invited paper at the summer school in phenomenology and phenomenological philosophy “Life after life”, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy
- 1 June 2023
“Phenomenology of the public sphere. The ‘classical’ and the ‘critical’ approach.” Paper at the conference “Critical phenomenology of the we.” CFS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 6 Mai 2023
“Philosophy as a form of life. The political pitfalls of an ideal-typical consideration.” Invited paper at the conference “Husserl's Ethics and Social Philosophy in Context. The Kaizo Articles Centenary” Okayama University, Japan
- 2 Mai 2023
“The person as a fragile project. Husserl on uniqueness, freedom, and unity of personhood.” Invited paper at the Philosophy Department of Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
- 28 April 2023
"Representification, practical agency, and culture. Some remarks on Eduard Marbach's reflections on culture-related psychology.” Paper at the workshop “Phenomenological Explorations” in honor of E. Marbach’s 80th birthday. Department of Philosophy, University of Parma, Italy
- 24 March 2023
“Experience and Normativity: The Phenomenological Approach.” Invited paper at the Husserl Arbeitstage, KU Leuven, Belgium
- 21 March 2023
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited paper at the Philosophy Colloquium of Université de Grenoble, France
- 15 March 2023
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited paper at the Philosophy Colloquium of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- 02 February 2023
“Zur Phänomenologie der Öffentlichkeit." Invited paper at the “Philosophical Colloquium” of the Department of Philosophy, University of Paderborn, Germany
- 16 December 2022
“Tiefe Meinungsverschiedenheiten. Wirklichkeitskonstitution im Widerstreit.” Invited paper at the lecture series “Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy”, Department of Legal Philosophy, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Austira
- 09 December 2022
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality”. Invited paper at the lecture series “Je et Nous. Regards croisés sur un lien indissociable. École normale supérieure, Paris, France
- 18 November 2022
“Hannah Arendt’s Ethics of Plurality.” Keynote at the conference “Engaging the Contemporary 2022: Confronting Ethics”, Department of Philosophy, University of Malta, Malta.
- 09 November 2022
“Levinas‘ Alteritätsethik. Verantwortung als Struktur der Subjektivität.” Lecture in the lecture series “Verantwortung/Responsibiliy”, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 27 October 2022
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.“ Invited paper at the „Philosophical Colloquium”, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt a.d. Oder, Germany
- 29 September 2022
“In-der-Öffentlichkeit-Sein. Beschreibungsversuche.” Invited paper at the biannual conference of the German Society for Phenomenological Research “Zurück zu den Sachen selbst!” Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
- 01 July 2022
“Phänomenologie der Öffentlichkeit.” Husserl-Lecture. Prize of the German Society for Phenomenological Research. University of Tübingen, Germany
- 25 June 2022
“Arendt und Jonas im Kontext der Marburger Konstellationen.“ Invited paper at the conference “Hans Jonas und die Marburger Hermeneutik”, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
- 31 May 2022
“Heidegger and Kant. Fundamental ontology as a phenomenological version of transcendental philosophy.” Invited paper at the Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford, UK
- 14 May 2022
“In Frage stehen. Zur existenziellen Dimension des philosophischen Fragens.” Invited paper at the International conferende of the Swiss Society of Cultural Theory and Semiotics „‚Die Welt wird ein ungeheures Fragezeichen‘. Fragen als Verfahren der Literatur und Philosophie“. Université de Genève, Switzerland
- 23 April 2022
“Plurality, Life, and Personhood.” Keynote at the annual NoSP-conference “Politics of Life and Death”, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
- 7 April 2022
“Public Perception? Social Perception in Public Space” Invited paper at the Conference “Phenomenological Perspectives on Social Perception” Département de Philosophie de l'Université de Montréal, Canada
- 11 March 2022 “Beauvoir and Arendt on the Ambiguities of Belonging.” Invited paper at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 26 January 2022
”Phänomenologische Psychiatrie als kritische Praxis.” Invited paper at the lecture series “ Philosophy and psychopathology of embodiment in social contexts”, at the Karl-Jaspers-Library of the Center for Psychosocial Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- 02 December 2021
“The person as a fragile project. Husserl on uniqueness, freedom and unity of personhood”. Invited paper at the conference “Phenomenology of values and personal identity”, Department of Philosophy, University of San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
- 14 October 2021
“Husserl, community, and the public realm. On an absent analysis.” Invited paper at the workshop “Husserl and Community”, Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 9 October 2021
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality – and the Role of Judgment in Actualizing Plurality”. Invited paper at the lecture series: „Hannah Arendt – Who am I to judge?” Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (online)
- 01 September 2021
“Public Experiences. Being, Appearing and Acting in Public”. Paper at the project-workshop “I that is We and the We that is I. On the Hegelian Perspective on the Self.” Department of Philosophy, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
- 30 June 2021
“Empathie und Emanzipation – eine Annäherung mit Hannah Arendt“. Public lecture at the Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover, Germany
- 29 April 2021
“Verantwortung für Pluralität”. Lecture at lecture series „Responsibility and Agency.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria (online)
- 08 April 2021
Commentary on Gerhard Thonhauser’s „Commentary on Being and Time“, §§5-13. Lecture Series “Practical Philosophy and Phenomenology.” Department of Philosophy, TU Darmstadt, Germany (online)
- 01 October 2020
“Phenomenological Forms of Normativity and the We.” Invited paper at the workshop “Normativity, Experience and the We.” Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 26 September 2020
“Experience and Normativity. The Phenomenological Approach.” Invited keynote at the FoNTI Conference “The Unity of Normativity”, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria (online)
- 04. September 2020
“Order, Experience, and Critique. The Phenomenological Method in Political and Legal Theory.” Invited keynote at the annual conference of the British Society for Phenomenology: “Engaged Phenomenology”, Department of Philosophy, University of Exeter, UK (online)
- 02. July 2020
Digital Salon with M. Kronfeldner und L. Einsele on the art/philosophy project “Hiding Faces”, Darmstadt: “Face Matters: Why Do We Care So Much About Faces?” (online)
- 03. März 2020
“Social Cohesion and the Public Sphere.” Invited paper at the conference “Social Cohesion.” Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 12 December 2019
„Queere Phänomenologie?“, Lecture at the interdisciplinary lecture series „Gender matched Queer.“ TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 06 December 2019
“Recognition, Subjectivity, and Law.” Paper at the SOFI-conference „Anerkennung – Recognition.” FU Berlin, Germany
- 30 October 2019
„Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.“ Invited paper at the “Philosophical Colloquium.” Department of Philosophy, University of Siegen, Germany
- 26 October 2019
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited paper at the “Conference of the Chinese Society of Phenomenology.” Department of Philosophy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
- 03 October 2019
“Public Feelings? The Public Sphere as an Affective Space and Space of Meaning.” Invited paper at the conference “Feelings of Belonging and Affective Spaces: Phenomenological Explorations.” Department of Philosophy, University of Exeter, UK
- 26 September 2019
„Hannah Arendt: Politische Ontologie der Pluralität.“ Invited paper at the conference „Ontologien des Politischen im Widerstreit. Analyse und Diskussion einer Debatte.“ Institute for Culture Research, FU Berlin, Germany
- 19 September 2019
„Wirklichkeit als politische Kategorie: Hannah Arendt über Wahrheit und Lüge in der Politik.“ Invited keynote at the conference of the German Society for Phenomenological Research (DGPF) „Faktum, Faktizität, Wirklichkeit.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 04 July 2019
“Hannah Arendt on the Human Condition.” Lecture at the Summer School of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: “Human, not Enough Human.” Department of Philosophy, University of Venice, Italy
- 28 June 2019
“Experiencing the Public Sphere in the Digital Age.” Invited paper at the workshop “Four Approaches in Contemporary Phenomenology: New Topical Foci and Methodological Challenges.” Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Finland
- 13 June 2019
„Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.“ Invited lecture at the lecture series „Rechtskritik als Gesellschaftstheorie.“ Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, FU Berlin, Germany
- 24 May 2019
“Identity in Desire. Butler on Hegel.” Paper at the project-workshop “I that is We and the We that is I. On the Hegelian Perspective on the Self.” Department of Philosophy, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
- 11 May 2019
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited paper at the conference “Phenomenology and the Political.” Department of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
- 03 April 2019
„Auf dem Weg zu einem Grenzproblem der Zeitlichkeit: Anschauungsformen bei Kant und Husserl und die „Widerlegung des Idealismus.“ Invited paper at the „Spring School“ of the German Society for Phenomenological Research (DGPF). Department of Philosophy, University of Wuppertal, Germany
- 11 April 2019
“Absolute Affection, but not Naturalism: Husserl’s Late Ethics. On the Primal Facticity of the Person and Husserl’s ‘Existentialist Rationalism.’” Invited paper at the conference “Phenomenology – Naturalism – Ethics.” Department of Philosophy, University of Parma, Italy
- 20 March 2019
„Urteilen 2.0 Mit Arendt zu den Bedingungen des Urteilens in einer Kultur der Digitalität.“ Lecture at the lecture series „Fachdidaktik kontrovers: Fake News, Bildung und Wahrheit in der Mediengesellschaft.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 04 March 2019
“Hannah Arendt on Plurality, Basic Activities, and Different Forms of the We.” Invited paper at the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 30 March 2019
“Phenomenological Elements and Arguments in The Life of the Mind.” Invited paper at the conference “Hannah Arendt’s The Life of the Mind, Volume XIV of the Complete Works.” Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
- 20 February 2019
„Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.“ Invited paper at the Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Germany
- 15 December 2018
“Plurality and the Ethical Demands of Life, Truth, and Reason.” Invited paper at the conference „Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality.” Department of Philosophy, University of Paderborn, Germany
- 30 November 2018
“Who one is – a Political Issue? Hannah Arendt on Personhood, Maximal Self, and Bare Life.” Project-conference „Phenomenology and Personal Identity.“ Faculty of Arts, Charles-University Prague, Czech Republic
- 10 November 2018
„Urteilen 2.0 Mit Arendt zu den Bedingungen einer Kultur der Digitalität.“ Invited paper at the conference „Transparenz, Öffentlichkeit, Urteilskraft.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
- 21 November 2018
„Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.“ Invited paper at the “Philosophical Colloquium.” Department of Philosophy, Goethe-University of Frankfurt, Germany
- 05 October 2018
“Practices of Enlarged Mentality: Tolerance, Otherness, and Plurality.” Invited paper at the conference “Rethinking Tolerance as a Political Demand, Moral Virtue and Character Ideal.” Department of Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria
- 05 July 2018
„Digitale Lebenswelt und Wirklichkeit – Versuch einer phänomenologisch-methodischen Annäherung.“ Paper at the workshop „Öffentlichkeit, Privatheit und Pluralität im digitalen Zeitalter.“ Department of Philosophy, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 21 June 2018
„Politische Korrektheit und politisches Urteilen: Eine Betrachtung mit Hannah Arendt.“ Invited paper at the „Residenzvorträge“ of the Department of Philosophy, University of Würzburg, Germany
- 15 May 2018
Participation in the final discussion panel of the conference „Perspectives on Minimal Self.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 25 April 2018
„Husserls transzendentaler Idealismus“, Invited paper and workshop at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities, University of Cologne, Germany
- 21 April 2018
Invited respondent at the book panel: “Dan Zahavi: ‘Husserl’s Legacy
Phenomenology, Metaphysics, and Transcendental Philosophy.’” Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Gdansk, Poland
- 18 April 2018
„Sinnräume. Ein phänomenologisches Analyseinstrument am Beispiel von Hannah Arendts ‚Vita activa.’” Summer-Colloquium of the Department of Philosophy, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 23 March 2018
„Husserl und seine Nachfolger über die Gegebenheit des Rechts: Normativitätsbegründung des Rechts oder Begründung der Rechtswissenschaft?“ Invited paper at the conference „Colloque Husserl. La phénoménologie et les fondements des sciences“ – Archives Husserl de Paris, ENS Paris, France
- 14 March 2018
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.” Public lecture as guest professor at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria
- 22 February 2018
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited “Public Lecture” and Workshop with PhD-Students, Husserl-Archives KU Leuven, Belgium
- 10 January 2018
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.” Invited Paper at the “Philosophical Colloquium.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Göttingen, Germany
- 24 November 2017
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Invited Paper at the conference “Women in the History of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Psychology.” Department of Philosophy, University of Paderborn, Germany
- 10 November 2017
“Appearance, Plurality, and Personhood.“ Invited paper at the conference “Perspectives on Personhood and Communality: Emotions, Norms, and Imagination.” Collegium of Advanced Studies, Helsinki, Finland
- 20 October 2017
Respondent to Dermot Moran’s paper „Phenomenology of the Person“ at SPEP (Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy), Memphis, USA
- 10 October 2017
„Zu den metaphysischen Urtatsachen! Das Ineinander der Monaden.“ Invited paper at the conference „Phänomenologie und Metaphysik. Zu Ehren László Tengelyis.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Wuppertal, Germany
- 23 September 2017
„Lust und Frust des Animal laborans. Hannah Arendt über die Verfallsformen der vita activa.“ Invited paper at the Philosophicum Lech „Mut zur Faulheit“ 2017, Austria
- 14 September 2017
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität und das Politische.“ Invited paper at the conference of the German Society for Phenomenological Research, FernUniversität Hagen, Germany
- 06 July 2017
„Husserls transzendentalphänomenologischer Idealismus“, Invited paper at the “Philosophical Colloquium.” Department of Philosophy, University of Paderborn, Germany
- 01 July 2017
„Hannah Arendt, das Soziale und das ‚Recht, Rechte zu haben.“ Invited paper at the workshop „Soziale Menschenrechte.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Kassel, Germany
- 14 June 2017
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.” Invited Paper at the “Philosophical Colloquium.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Oldenburg, Germany
- 05 May 2017
“Outwardness, Sharing a World, and the Plurality of Monads. Some Transcendental and Metaphysical Problems of Intersubjectivity.” Invited Paper at the Conference Phenomenology, Empathy, Intersubjectivity: New Approaches. UCD Department of Philosophy Dublin, Irleand
- 05 April 2017
“Zu §1. Die Idee der apriorischen Rechtslehre.“ Invited paper at the workshop „Adolf Reinach Die aprioischen Grundlagen des bürgerlichen Rechts.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Würzburg, Germany
- 17 February 2017
“What is Plurality? Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity.” Invited paper at the “Science Day” of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria
- 03 December 2016
“Crossing the Atlantic: Inspirations for Hannah Arendt’s Concept of Plurality,” Invited paper at the conference “Ideas Crossing the Atlantic: Theories, Normative Conceptions, Cultural Images.” Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 11 November 2016
“Hannah Arendt on Appearance, Action, and Identity.” Invited paper at the workshop “Issues in Personal Identity.” Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
- 22 October 2016
“Phenomenology of Plurality. Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity.” Invited paper on the panel “Phenomenology of Sociality (Dermot Moran, Dan Zahavi, Thomas Szanto) at SPEP, Salt Lake City, USA.
- 07 October 2016
“Rechtfertigung in Husserls transzendentalem Idealismus.” Invited paper at the workshop “Philosophisches Wissen im klassischen Rationalismus und Idealismus.“ Department of Philosophy, University of Göttingen, Germany.
- 23 September 2016
Respondent to Gry Ardal Printzlau’s paper on “Thinking and Disunity in Arendt and Lear”, at the workshop “Self-understanding and Self-alienation.” Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
- 11 May 2016
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.” Invited keynote of the Students’ Representatives Organization of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Graz, Austria
- 11 December 2015
“Hannah Arendts Phänomenologie der Pluralität.” Invited paper at the Conference “Politik der Differenz. Symposium anlässlich des 40. Todestages von Hannah Arendt.” Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst (IWK), Vienna, Austria.
- 2 December 2015
“Phenomenology, Law, and the Political.” Invited paper at the conference “Law and Phenomenology.” University of Helsinki, Finland.
- 25 September 2015
“Transzendentaler Idealismus bei Kant und in der Phänomenologie.” Paper at the 12th International Kant-Congress, University of Vienna, Austria
- 18 June 2015
“Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality.” Conference: “Horizons Beyond Borders. Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe.” Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
- 23 April 2015
“Transcendental Philosophy and Idealism in Phenomenology.” Paper at the 13th annual conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
- 30 March 2015
“Heidegger und Kant. Fundamentalontolgie als phänomenologische Transzendentalphilosophie.” Invited paper at the Spring School “Kant und Heidegger.” University of Wuppertal, Germany
- 21 March 2015
“Transzendentale und idealistische Motive in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls.” Invited paper at the conference “Die klassische deutsche Philosophie und ihre Folgen”. Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Vienna, Austria
- 19 March 2015
“Was zeigt sich in der Erscheinung? Eine philosophische Annäherung an das Verhältnis von Sein und Erscheinen.” Invited keynote for the conference “Phänotypisierung – vom Schein zum Sein”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 11 November 2014
“A Phenomenological View on the Relation of Mind and World.” Invited talk at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 31 October 2014
“Verletzbarkeit als conditio.” Commentary on the book “Verletztes Leben” by Burkhard Liebsch at the workshop “Transformationen des Politischen.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 17 October 2014
“Erwartungen an eine Akademie der Wissenschaften im Sinne einer Gelehrtengesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert in Verbindung zu dem jeweiligen wissenschaftlichen Gebiet (Philosophie).” Invited talk for the public meeting and welcoming of new members of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 06 June 2014
“Hannah Arendt on Plurality, Vulnerability and Integrity.” Conference “Saints and Madmen. Integrity at its Limits.” Einstein Forum, Potsdam, Germany
- 03 April 2014
“Vita activa: Hannah Arendt über Sinn und Sinnlosigkeit des menschlichen Tätigseins.” Kulturforum Amstetten, Austria
- 28 March 2014
“Subjectification and Spaces of Meaning: Suggestions and Questions with Hannah Arendt.” Conference “Political Abilities.” University of Innsbruck, Austria
- 02 Dec 2013
“The Importance of Phenomenological Reduction Today.” Invitation to the hearing of the shortlisted candidates for the position in “Contemporary continental philosophy and phenomenology” at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- 28 June 2013
“Transformation and Continuity: Phenomenological Concepts, Methodology and Issues in Arendt.” Werkstatt Phänomenologie (workshop). Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 20 June 2013
Response to E. Trizio (Univ. of Seattle) (“Husserl’s Answer to the Challenge of Hedonism”). Husserl Circle, University of Graz, Austria
- 10 May 2013
“Hannah Arendt’s Discovery of the ‘We’ in her Core-Phenomenon of Actualized Plurality”. Conference “Discovering the ‘We’: The Phenomenology of Sociality”. Department of Philosophy, UCD, Dublin, Ireland
- 22 March 2013
“Legal reality and its apriori foundations – a question of acting or interpreting? The Vienna School of phenomenological legal positivists (Schreier, Kaufmann, Schütz) and their critique of Reinach”. Conference: “Social Reality. The Phenomenological Approach.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 12 October 2012
“Arendt’s Core Phenomenon of Actualized Plurality: Its Transformative Force in Phenomenology and its Relation to Levinas' Alterity-Ethics.” Conference “Plurality, Violence, Justice,” Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland
- 27-29 September 2012
Responses to the talks of Andreas Gelhard (“Selbstprüfung und Fremderfahrung. Kant mit Levinas”) and Michael Wallner (“Reduktion und Deduktion. Die Stellung des Menschen in zwei unterschiedlichen Transzendentalphilosophien”). Workshop “Phänomenologische Perspektiven auf Kant.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 27 August 2012
“Introduction to Phenomenology of Law,” Invited speaker, Department of Law, University of Tbilisi, Georgia
- 10 August 2012
“Alterität und/oder Pluralität? Zwei pränormative Paradigmen für Ethik und Politik bei Levinas und Arendt.” Invited speaker at the 35th International Wittgenstein Symposium “Ethics, Society, Politics“. Kirchberg, Austria
- 07 August 2012
“Intentionality and Justification.” Invited Keynote Speaker at the “Copenhagen Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind.” Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 21 June 2012
“Politik der Alterität? Aus dem Text: Meine intime Fremdheit für meine intime Politik. Versatzstücke für ein Gespräch.” Workshop of the “Wiener Arbeitskreis für Philosophie.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 09 June 2012
“Zur Subjektivität und Objektivität der reinen Anschauungsformen und ihrer Rolle in der ‘Widerlegung des Idealismus’ – eine phänomenologische Interpretation mit Husserl und Heidegger.” Colloquium “Raum und Zeit: Kants Anschauungsformen, fortgedacht.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 31 May 2012
“Achten, Durchfühlen, Ansinnen: Affektive Begegnisweisen der praktischen Vernunft.” Conference “Affektivität und Ethik bei Kant und in der Phänomenologie.” Department of Philosophy, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
- 25 April 2012
“Phenomenology and Justification.” Invited lecture at the “Transdisciplinary Center for Study of Mind, Language and Society.” Department of Philosophy, University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
- 23 April 2012
“Hannah Arendts Konzept von Pluralität.” Kritikfabrik Graz, Plattform für Diskussion und Forschung. Theater am Lend, UniT Graz, Austria
- 16 April 2012
“Der interkulturelle Menschenrechtsdiskurs und die ‘Rechte des anderen Menschen’ (Levinas).” Invited lecture to the lecture series “Philosophie und Entwicklung.” Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna, Austria
- 01 March 2012
“Levinas and Arendt: Alterity and/or Plurality?” Conference “Colloqium Levinas: 50 years ‘Totality and Infinity.’” Institut Français Vienne, Austria
- 28 September 2011
“Experience, Reason, and the Transcendental.” Lecture at the Center for Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 10 September 2011
“At the Borders or at the Sources of the World? Transcendental Philosophy as Object-Guided Philosophy.” Invited paper at the conference: “Phenomenology and the Transcendental.” Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland
- 31 March 2011
“Phenomenology and Justification – The Space of Appearances as the Space of Reasons.” Invited talk at the “Phil/Sci Workshop” organized by Martin Kusch, Friedrich Stadler and Veli Mitova, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 29 March 2011
“Husserl und Kant: Kritik, Erbe, Transformation.” Invited guest lecture at the spring school “Phänomenologische Zugänge zur Ethik,” Department of Philosophy, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
- 12 November 2010
Commentator to Bernhard Waldenfels talk at the Seminar “Toward a Responsive Ethics.” Stony Brook University Manhattan, New York, USA
- 12 June 2010
“Empathie und Emanzipation. ‘Verstehendes Herz,’ prekäre Zeit, erweitertes Urteilen – eine Annährung mit Hannah Arendt.” Lecture for the opening of the exhibition Human Condition. Empathy and Emancipation in Precarious Times. Universalmuseum Joanneum, Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
- 12 March 2010
“Indifferenz. Räume des entmachteten Erscheinens.” Conference “Negativistische Sozialphilosophie.” IWK, Vienna, Austria
- 12 January 2010
“Urvernunft als Sinnbedingung von Erfahrung? Das Aufbrechen der Rechtsfrage in Husserls transzendentaler Kritik der Erkenntnis.” Conference “Zrození fenomenologie. Geburt der Phänomenologie. Edmund Husserl zu Ehren.” Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech Republic
- 01 October 2009
“Handeln im Plural. Zur erkenntnistheoretischen, ontologischen und methodischen Verortung von Hannah Arendts Handlungstheorie im Dialog mit der analytischen Philosophie der Sozialwissenschaft.” Conference of the German Society for Phenomenological Research, University of Würzburg, Germany
- 17 April 2009
“Hannah Arendt als ‘eine Art Phänomenologin:’ Transzendenzerfahrung und Pluralität,” Otterthaler Gespräche zum Thema Transzendenzerfahrungen, Otterthal, Austria
- 05 April 2009
“Husserl und das Faktum der praktischen Vernunft. Phänomenologische Ansprüche an eine philosophische Ethik.” Invited speaker to the conference “Phenomenology – Philosophy – Science” of the Husserl-Archives, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- 30 March 2009
“Hannah Arendt: An Introduction to her Concepts of Plurality, Action and the Political.” Talk at the “Philosophy-Olympics Salzburg”, Austria
- 23 January 2009
“Anmerkungen zum Problem der Experientialien.” Workshop with Lázló Tengelyi (Wuppertal) on his book “Erfahrung und Ausdruck.” Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria
- 03 June 2008
“Ontologie ist Krieg. Affektivität ist Frieden? Fragen an Levinas,” IWM-Workshop on “The Totality of War and the Promise of Peace: Discourses on War in Patocka and Levinas,” Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, Austria
- 27 May 2008
“Sich ein Bild machen? Das ästhetische Urteilen als politisches Urteilen in der Kant-Lektüre von Hannah Arendt.” Invited speaker to the “Research Cluster Political Communication,” University of Innsbruck, Austria
- 19 June 2007
“Phenomenology of Law.” Invited paper at Sebastian Luft’s (Marquette University) seminar on “Phenomenology of Law.” Department of Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria
- 08 June 2007
“Praktische Vernunft bei Husserl: ‘stumm und blind’ oder Ethik aus ‘absoluter Affektion’?” VIII. Congress of the Austrian Society for Philosophy, University of Graz, Austria
- 20 April 2007
“Self and Other: Transforming Reason.” Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- 11 July 2006
“Die Konzeption der Menschenrechte bei Levinas.” Workshop by “Interdisziplinäres Forum .UND.” Vienna, Austria
- 07 June 2006
“Dreading Murder more than Death. On Alterity and Judgement in Levinas.” Conference “Levinas: filosofie a výchova,” Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic
- 31 May 2006
“The Prophet and the ‘Histor’. Levinas and Arendt on Judging.” IWM Junior Fellows’ Workshop, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 14 December 2005
“Notes on an Ethics of Human Rights.” IWM Junior Fellows’ Workshop, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 16 November 2005
“Thinking ‘Right(s)’ in the First-Person-Perspective.” IWM Junior Fellows’ Workshop, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 06 October 2005
“Sinnereignis als Begründung normativer Strukturen?” Conference of the German Society for Phenomenological Research, University of Wuppertal, Germany
- 06 November 2004
“Rechtsphänomenologie bei Edmund Husserl.” Husserl Arbeitstage, University of Cologne, Germany
- 02 February 2004
“Skizze einer Rechtsphänomenologie.” VII. Congress of the Austrian Society of Philosophy, University of Salzburg, Austria
- 23 September 2023 Participant in the Panel Discussion at the International Graduate Conference “The Aesthetics of democratic Life-forms” with Anne Eusterschulte, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany
- 22 November 2022
Participant in the Round Table Discussion “Space and Heritage: On the Generativity of Environing Worlds”, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK
- 10 June 2021
Tel Aviv „Night of Philosophy” (online): Podium discussion “Do Democracies need the Non-Political?” With Alienor Ballangé, Martin Saar, Johannes Voelz.
- 1 October 2020
Portrait on SWIP-Germany:
- March 2020
Portrait in the weekly Austrian periodical Die Welt der Frauen: „Haben Sie noch eine Frage? Das Engagement junger Philosophinnen“
- 19 March 2019
Interview: „‚Tatsachen werden zu Meinungen umformuliert.‘ Philosophin Sophie Loidolt über Fake-News als Gefahr für die Demokratie, die systematische Erosion des Unterschieds zwischen Tatsachen und Meinungen sowie Wahrheitssuche in der Wissenschaft.“ Daily Austrian newspaper Der Standard, page 9.
- 18 February 2018
Radio broadcast and podcast „Hannah Arendt und das animal laborans: Der Mensch, das Arbeitstier“, Deutschlandfunk Nova
- 23 November 2018
Interview with Rodney Parker in the series “Conversations with Diotima“ (Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists): “Sophie Loidolt on Hannah Arendt”
- 30 September 2017
Interview in the weekly Austrian paper „Die Furche“: „Leben wir in der richtigen Gesellschaft?“, Die Furche 40/2017
- 27 September 2017
Interview for the radio program „Salzburger Nachtstudio“ (philosophy program of Austrian Broadcast Service) on Philosophicum Lech: „Mut zur Faulheit. Die Arbeit und ihr Schicksal“
- 02 September 2016
Night of Philosophy, Helsinki: “Hannah Arendt’s Vita Activa and the Rhythms of Life” (talk), Helsinki, Finland
- Fall 2016
„Was tun wir, wenn wir tätig sind?“ Article for the Austrian magazine „Sucht/Addiction“ for the special column on „Arbeit sucht Sinn“
- 1 October 2014
Radio-Program Ö1 (Austrian broadcast), Salzburger Nachtstudio (philosophy program): „Die ‘Schwarzen Hefte’ des Martin Heidegger. Die politische Dimension in der Philosophie“ (Interview)
- 12 November 2012
Podium discussion „Montagsgespräch“ organized by Der Standard (Daily Austrian newspaper) on the topic „Does politics need intellctuals?“ Haus der Musik. With Johannes Voggenhuber, Josef Muchitsch, Markus Hinterhäuser and Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle, Vienna, Austria.
- 25 October 2012
Interview in the Austrian edition of “Zeit” (Weekly German newspaper), Nr. 44, “Helden von morgen/Heroes of tomorrow” and “Konrad Paul Liessmann nominiert Sophie Loidolt,” page 25.
- 20 April 2011
„CLUB 2“ (Discussion program of Austrian Broadcast Corporation): „Gerechtigkeit – gibt’s die?“ With Rudolf Taschner, Johannes Huber, Sigi Maron, Lilian Hofmeister. ORF 2, broadcast 20.4.2011, 11pm.
- 24 January 2011
Hamakom Philosophie Salon: Die Denkwelten und die Liebe von Hannah Arendt und Martin Heidegger“, Theatre Nestroyhof/Hamakom, Podium Discussion with Peter Kampits, Arno Böhler, Bernd Bösel, Vienna, Austria
- 15 January 2011
„Hannah Arendt und Martin Heidegger“, Podium discussion after a performance of the play by Savyon Liebrecht: „The Banality of Love“, Theatre Nestroyhof/Hamakom, with director Michael Gruner and Peter Kampits, Vienna, Austria
- 12 June 2010
“Empathie und Emanzipation. ‘Verstehendes Herz,’ prekäre Zeit, erweitertes Urteilen – eine Annährung mit Hannah Arendt.” Lecture for the opening of the exhibition „Human Condition. Empathy and Emancipation in Precarious Times“, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
- 08 July 2009
Conception and production of a radio show for the series „Philosophische Brocken“: „Levinas. Thinker of Alterity (in German).“ Interview with Peter Zeilinger. levinas-denker-der-alteritaet
- 30 March 2009
“Hannah Arendt: An Introduction to her Concepts of Plurality, Action and the Political,” Philosophy-Olympics Salzburg, Austria
- 17 May 2008
“On phenomenology of law” and “On Levinas: Responsibility.” Two talks at the “Schwarzmarkt” (art&science project) at „Wiener Festwochen,” Vienna, Austria
- 18-22 January 2024
PhD seminar at San Raffaele: Plurality, Belonging, and the Public Realm. Four lectures and discussions (Lecture 1. “Hannah Arendt’s Phenomenology of Plurality”, Lecture 2. “Plurality, Life, and Personhood”, Lecture 3. “Beauvoir and Arendt on the Ambiguities of Belonging”, Lecture 4. “On Being, Appearing and Acting in Public”), Department of philosophy, San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
- 14 December 2022
Seminar on “Arendt on Judgment”, funded by the GRADE Initiative of the Goethe Graduate Academy on “Democracy and Aesthetics” (online)
- 14 June 2019
Workshop on “’Phenomenology of Plurality. Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity” with Prof. Christian Volk’s ERC-Project Group, Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, FU Berlin, Germany
- 27 September 2018
Book Panel on “Phenomenology of Plurality. Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity”, Comments by Adriana Zaharijević (IFDT), David Schweikard (Flensburg) and Sanja Milutinović Bojanić (Sveučilište u Rijeci), Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- 22 February 2018
PhD-workshop on “’Phenomenology of Plurality. Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity”, with presentations by Ashika Singh, Liesbeth Schoonheim, Guido Barbi and Guilel Treiber, Husserl-Archives, KU Leuven, Belgium